Specification High back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherette cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherette upholstered
Specification Low back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered
Specification Low back visitor chair having PP Chrome arms with leatherite cover,Chrome finish CRC pipe of 14 gauge and Leatherite upholstered.
Specification High back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered.
Specification Low back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered.
Specification High back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered
Specification Low back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered
Specification Low back visitor chair having PP Chrome arms with leatherite cover,Chrome finish CRC pipe of 14 gauge and Leatherite upholstered
Specification High back chair having folding PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered
Specification Low back chair having folding PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered
Specification High back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered
Specification Medium back chair having PP chrome arms with leatherite cover, PP chrome base with twin wheel castors, gaslift,Torsion bar and Leatherite upholstered